Democracy is meaningful since it ensures participation through informed choices. One of the most remarkable features of Indian democracy is that from the very beginning of the emergence of India as an independent Nation, the Constitution of India gave the citizens of the country universal adult franchise. This has empowered all the citizens of voting age irrespective of caste, religion, wealth or gender. Democracy in India is vibrant, wherein people closely interact with and assess political parties and their mechanisms for delivering governance and development of their regions.
In the era of e-governance, the Election Department is committed to reach out to people to provide better services in terms of accurate Electoral Rolls, Photo Identity Cards, digitization of maps depicting area of polling station, distances etc., creating awareness about their rights and duties by bringing transparency in the system, citizen friendly approach and better data management. The department shares its vision with the Election Commission of India to provide online facilities to each and every eligible voter.
We seek active cooperation of all citizens of Himachal Pradesh for setting up truly citizen friendly, transparent and fair electoral system.
Nandita Gupta, IAS
Chief Electoral Officer-cum-Secretary(Election),
Himachal Pradesh.